Saturday, July 26, 2014

Book Review

Images of Sports: Wrestling in Akron by Dale Pierce is a book printed by Arcadia Publishing covering the history of both professional and amateur wrestling in Akron, Ohio and its surrounding areas from the early 1900s up to the present day.

Arcadia is renowned for its series  on local and regional history, and although they boast more than 8500 titles, this is currently the only one featuring local wrestling. Author Dale Pierce does not disappoint with his contribution, as rarely does one see pro wrestling history preserved in such a positive manner.

Following a brief introduction, Wrestling in Akron is divided up into four easy-to-read sections:  The Early Years, The Armory Era, After the Armory, and The Amateurs.

Vintage pictures of national greats and local stars such as Farmer Burns, Red Bastien, Lou Thesz, The Sheik, Dominic Denucci, Fred Curry, Killer Brooks, “Maniac” Mike Gordon, Dr. Jerry Graham, Bruno Sammartino, Louie Spicolli, Jake “The Snake” Roberts, Frank Williams, Ricky Steamboat, “Hot Stuff” Eddie Gilbert, Joe Rules, The Navajo Warrior, Brian Pillman, Ashley Nicely, Billy Gunn, and a whole host of others are highlighted.

Although the local amateur wrestling scene is touched on only briefly, it is included as an important piece of Akron history, popular to this day.

Also included are pics of various key area landmarks, as well as programs, souvenirs, and autographed index cards.

Each picture includes a short paragraph explaining its importance to the Akron, Ohio area.

If you’re a fan of wrestling, history, or wrestling history, you won’t want to pass on Images of Sports: Wrestling in Akron, as it is a quick, easy read filled by Dale Pierce with valuable information.  It is available at and other locations. More information can be found on the book’s Facebook page:

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Top 10 Professional Wrestlers Of All Time

This is a project I've been meaning to start for some time.  Who should be included on a list of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time?  I'm starting out with a Top 10, but in future posts I'll revise and expand the list.

But how do you compare a Frank Gotch to a Shawn Michaels?  Puroresu to lucha libre? A cruiserweight to a super heavyweight?

This list will be determined mainly by skill, fame, impact, longevity, influence, and most importantly, legacy.  With this in mind, let us begin.

1)  Bruno Sammartino.  The "Living Legend."  Two-time World Wide Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion with a combined reign of 4040 days, over 11 years.  His induction into the WWE Hall of Fame bought legitimacy to the organization.

2)  Andre The Giant.  The "Eighth Wonder of the World."  Standing 7'4", many fans believed him to be undefeated till his loss to Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania III.  Made numerous TV and movie appearances, including the classic The Princess Bride.

3)  Hulk Hogan.  The most famous wrestler of the modern era.  Instrumental in the WWF's nation expansion, the Rock and Wrestling Connection, and WrestleMania.  Made a huge impact as well in WCW as both a hero and later as a member of the NWO.

4)  Ric Flair.  Considered by many to be the greatest professional wrestler of all time.  Sixteen-time World Heavyweight Champion!  Enough said.

5)  Lou Thesz.  Legendary hooker who, when you combine championship reigns, held the NWA World Title for over ten years.

6)  Harley Race.  Respected eight-time NWA World Champion who has been inducted into four different pro wrestling halls of fame.

7)  Rikidozan.  Known as the "Father of Puroesu," Rikidozan brought professional wrestling to Japan and is considered a national hero in that country.

8)  Ricky Steamboat.  One of the most talented pro wrestlers in history.  I have never seen a bad Ricky Steamboat match, and I doubt such a thing exists.  Among other titles, he is a former NWA World and WWF Intercontinental Champion.

9)  El Santo.  Iconic luchador who popularized Mexican wrestling.  Also appeared in comic books and movies.

10)  Gorgeous George.  One of pro wrestling's biggest stars of the 1940s-50s.  His flamboyancy and charisma gained him mainstream popularity.

So that's my Top 10.  I'd love to get some feedback on this.  Who belongs in the Top 10 who isn't listed?  Who is too high or too low on the list?

Who's in your Top 10?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

This Will Change The World

I'm set for life.  I've just come up with a revolutionary idea for a new invention that going to make me billions!

You know how when you're busy unpacking boxes, you get a little hungry and feel like a snack?  Sadly, nothing around to eat, but wait!  Look what you just found!  A packet of delicious silica gel!!

But just as you're about to chow down, you notice the words you never want to see:  "DO NOT EAT."  You have no choice but to go back to unpacking your boxes, hungry and disappointed.

Not any more!

My new invention:  EDIBLE SILICA GEL!!

Get in on the ground floor while you still can.  Invest now and you may share in the incredible wealth I am soon to receive.

Here is my plan of action:

1)  Purchase a bunch of silica gel packs (this is where my investors come in)

2)  Purchase a black Sharpie (again, investors)

3)  Using the black Sharpie, cross out the word "NOT" on each and every silica gel pack

4)  Silica gel is now a tasty treat!


Don't delay.  Act now!!!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye to 2013

2013 was a year of endings for me.  Wrestling, UPS, and my marriage.

Wrestling.  My final match as an active independent professional wrestler took place on April 13 at the United Wrestling Coalition in Browns Mills, New Jersey.

In the months leading up to that bout, I had been spending time in the UWC's commentary booth, and "Textbook" Philly Madison took exception to that.

I was viciously attacked by Madison and his tag team partner Dave Patera, earning me the cheers of the fans for the first time.  They attacked me once more during a match I was having against Peter Cross of The Secret Society.

I bought my close, personal friend Rick Silver out of retirement to team with me against Madison & Patera (collectively known as Mind And Muscle.)  Just when it looked like the reunited Big Unit would emerge victorious over Mind And Muscle, the devious Rick Silver turned on me, allowing Philly Madison to gain the pinfall.

I challenged Rick to one last match, and I promised that win, lose, or draw, it would be my last match.  It was time to hang up the tights once and for all.

While Rick Silver had Philly Madison & Dave Patera in his corner, I was accompanied by my longtime managers Luxurious Lynne and Patricia M. Steinman!  With their help, I was able to defeat Silver in front of a sold out, standing room only crowd at the Browns Mills Fire House, and I was honored when the dressing room emptied out and the workers gave me a round of applause.

It was time.  I was long past my prime and had been ready to hang it up for years.  But I needed to go out on my terms, and I did.  I appreciate everyone who helped make it all happen.

UPS.  While I never liked the job, the money was so good, I could never justify leaving, especially while married.  I got a second part-time job at Target which I actually enjoy.  So basically, I had one part-time job I hated with great money and one part-time job I loved with lousy money.

I was at UPS for over 14 years.  Over those years, I would sometimes have an asshole boss, but usually the other supervisors would be okay to deal with.  In 2013, unfortunately, I had three asshole supervisors.

And I probably would have sucked it up and stayed if my marriage had remained intact, and if I didn't see how much better I was being treated at Target.

It got to the point where I was almost ready to not even give two weeks notice, just call up and tell them I'm not coming back (if I even bothered to call to let them know.)

I chose to take the high road.  I asked Target if they could make me full-time, and they said yes (although ultimately, my hours haven't been consistent.)  I gave UPS my notice, and my last day was September 6.

Marriage.  Although still legally married on paper, my marriage ended in 2011 when my wife left me (because fuck wedding vows.)  I had unrealistic hopes for a reconciliation, but when it became clear that that wasn't going to happen, I was ready for divorce.  I contacted my favorite attorney early this year, but decided to postpone things till after my soon-to-be-ex-wife's upcoming back surgery, so she could remain on my insurance.  After recovering, she filed for divorce.  As of October 24, we are officially unmarried.  I don't even know what we're supposed to be anymore.  Friends?  Acquaintances?  Whatever.

2014.  If 2013 was a year of endings, hopefully 2014 will be a year of new beginnings.  2013 was a rough year for me.  2014 looks like it may be more of the same.

I underestimated how much take-home pay I'd be getting from Target, so I am hurting for money.  There's a very real possibility I could get evicted from my apartment, leaving me homeless.  There's a very real possibility my car could be repossessed.  I've been looking for another job, but so far, no luck.  I have some projects I'm working on that will hopefully make me some money, but that doesn't help in the short-term.

While I don't know what 2014 will bring, I know everything will be okay as long as I have little Jack, my cat.


It's no wonder I haven't written a blog since 2011, that WrestleMania was the worst one in the history of the damn event!

Thursday, March 31, 2011


It's been a long time since I wrote a blog.  But with WrestleMania right around the corner, and after receiving a request from my erstwhile Jerry Springer Show love interest Kristy Kiss, this seems like a good time to pull the blog out of the mothballs.

On the eve of WrestleMania, nine individuals will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame:  The "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels, "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan, The "Bullet" Bob Armstrong, Sunny, Drew Carey, Abdullah The Butcher, and The Legion of Doom (The Road Warriors & "Precious" Paul Ellering.)

I hear so many people complaining about Drew Carey's induction. "He's no wrestler, why's he in the Hall of Fame?"  The WWE Hall of Fame has a celebrity wing.  If you must complain, the problem isn't that Drew Carey is in there before Randy Savage and Bruno Sammartino.  It's that he's in there before Cyndi Lauper and Mr. T.

My only real complaint is the lack of Fabulous Freebirds in a Hall of Fame ceremony that takes place in Atlanta, GA.

Predictions for WrestleMania itself:

The Undertaker vs. Triple H.  Never bet against the streak.  Undertaker goes 19-0 this year.

John Cena vs. The Miz.  Obviously The Rock is involved in this match.  I'm going to go out on a limb and say that The Miz will manage to escape with his title, leading to some manner of confrontation between Cena and The Rock.

Jerry "The King" Lawler vs. Michael Cole.  "Stone Cold" Steve Austin is special guest referee.  The only possible result here is Cole on the wrong end of a piledriver. 

Trish Stratus & Snookie & John Morrison vs. Layla & Michelle McCool & Dolph Ziggler.  100% chance of the babyfaces going over.  I would have it end with Morrison pinning Ziggler. 

Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio.  Sorry, guys.  I'm just not into Del Rio.  At all.  (Although I do love the fact that he has his own ring announcer.)  Most predictions I've read have Del Rio winning the World Title, and Christian turning on Edge, so I guess I'll pick that for my result.  Personally, I'd rather see Edge & Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio & Brotus Clay.

Shamus vs. Daniel Bryan.  I'm a fan of Shamus.  I could easily picture him wrestling on Superstars of Wrestling on Saturday mornings in the late 80s/early 90s.  But I'm going to pick Daniel Bryan with the upset win to regain the United States Title. 

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk.  This could really go either way, but I'll go with Punk winning due to Orton's injury.

Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Misterio.  God, I just don't care!  Misterio.  Why not?

The Core vs. Kane & Big Show & Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov.  Well, after the celebration they had on Monday Night Raw, there's no way the faces are going over.  I wouldn't be able to name all four members of The Core even if I were getting paid to do so.

I'm sure there will also be a battle royal or some other manner of clusterfuck, either on the actual PPV or as a dark match, so the rest of the roster can get a WrestleMania pay day.  Who will win?  Depends who's in it.  Probably either William Regal, R-Truth, or Kofi Kingston.  Hell, it could be Hornswoggle!

Well, there's one way to find out, and that's by watching WrestleMania XXVII live on pay-per-view (or by reading the results after the fact.)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mail Bag

By now, I'm sure this has become the most widely read blog on the Internet.  And that's without even really getting started with the wrestling articles I'm planning.  As a result, I've been receiving all sorts of feedback. It's time to take the opportunity to answer some of the many e-mails that have been flooding my inbox.

This first e-mail is from a fellow named George.  He writes: 

I'm writing this message to you with sadness. I traveled to London for a short vacation and unfortunately for me,  I was mugged at a knife point last night at the park of the hotel where i lodged and all cash, credit cards and cell phone were all taken away.

I have reported the robbery to the police but they are yet to find the muggers. My flight leaves in less than 18hrs from now and i am having problems paying my hotel bills. 

The hotel manager won't let me leave until i settle the bills. Please, I need a loan from you to return back home and i want you to get back to me if you can help,i will really appreciate if you can help me with the sum of $1,750. 


Sorry, George, do I look like I'm made out of money?  That's what you get for going to London in the first place, what with their bland food and bad teeth.  You should have disarmed your attacker and stabbed him in the face.  My best advice to you since the hotel manager is apparently holding you hostage is to sneak out when his back is turned and get on your damn plane and go home.

Here is a letter from a Mr. Garri Zuma: 

Hello , 

How are you today,i hope you are fine?I am Garri Zuma the son of the late Minister of Tourism in Liberia,i am 17 years of age and i am presently at the refugee camp in Ghana,i am contacting you in respect of my two consignment boxes which is already in your country with the diplomat,my foreign beneficiary who was suppose to receive the consignment boxes and invest it for me was so greedy asking for 75% which we agreed on 25% before the boxes left Ghana for your country. I had to put a stop to the delivery of the boxes to him,please i am contacting you to help me receive my consignment boxes because i have mapped out 35% for you. I want to inform you that the diplomat has been there for good five days now waiting to hear from my foreign beneficiary to carry out the delivery to and the content of my two consignment boxes is Money $25,000.000.00 ( Twenty Five Million United States Dollars ) which is meant to be invested in a profitable business in your country. I want you to know that the diplomat does not know the true content of the boxes is containing money so please when contacting him for the delivery to you don't tell him about the content. I want you to know also that i have paid for the delivery charges which is $8500 ( Eight Thousand Five Hundred United State Dollars ) all you have to do is contact the diplomat.Please help me by receiving the boxes,for as soon as you receive them i will be coming over to join you,so we can start the investment together and i will start living a good life again. Please get back to me so that i can give you the contact of the diplomat so you can contact him for him to carry out the delivery to you and please remember to send me your house address and phone number . Best Regards, Garri Zuma . 

Dear Garri, 

What the HELL are you talking about?  Do you think maybe you could just TRY to string together a coherent sentence?  Suffice to say I won't be dealing with some 17-year-old Liberian punkass.  I'm not even 100% certain you really have $25 million!  Don't try and hornswaggle me, kid, I'm much smarter than you are.  Also, I hate diplomats. 

And this message comes from Mrs. Bryan McDonald:  





Unfortunately, Mrs. McDonald, I was unable to download the attachment on my computer.  Some sort of virus warning or whatever.  And that's too bad, because winning this sweepstakes I never entered would have solved all my financial woes.  C'est la vie. 

Strangely enough, I didn't receive any e-mails from Monday Night Raw's Anonymous General Manager.  

If you would like to contact me and possibly have the thrill of seeing your remarks dissected in this very blog, e-mail me at  Or you can just comment below.