So I decided to start a new blog. I was previously on LiveJournal, but that site has pretty much gone the way of Yahoo! Groups (everybody left for greener pastures) so I'm going to try my hand here.
My name is Joe Rules, and I'm an independent professional wrestler.
Unlike my previous blog, this one isn't going to just be all about me and what I'm up to. That's what Facebook is for. Instead, I plan to write articles about pro wrestling in general. I may write about the current goings on in WWE or TNA. I might write about events from years past. I could tell you about an upcoming indy show.
For the benefit of those reading this who have no idea just who the hell I am (which is most likely the majority of you) here's a Reader's Digest version of my wrestling bio:
In June of 1990, I wrestled my first backyard match against Rick Silver and shortly thereafter, received professional training at the hands of ECW's J.T. Smith, with help from Dino Sendoff (now known as Cujo the Hellhound) and The Blue Meanie. Some superstars I've had the opportunity to work with over the years include WWE Hall of Famers George "The Animal" Steele, Koko B. Ware, Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake, and the late Capt'n Lou Albano.
In 1997, I received the honored position of #500 in Pro Wrestling Illustrated's annual Top 500 wrestlers list. Halloween night that year, with new manager Luxurious Lynne in my corner, I eliminated Patch and the late Pitbull II to become the first-ever Jersey All Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Champion. The title reign was short lived when the Pitbull immediately challenged me to an impromptu bout where he captured the belt in all of two minutes.
I'm also a former Pennsylvania Championship Wrestling Junior Heavyweight Champion, the current JWA-United Wrestling World Champion, and I've held at one time or another almost every title the United Wrestling Coalition has to offer. I have also been inducted into the Great Wrestling Federation Hall of Fame.
In 1999, my then-girlfriend Kristy Kiss brought me on the infamous Jerry Springer Show to accuse me of cheating on her with the 400+ lb. stripper named Tiny. Her accusation sadly proved to be correct.
A few years later, I tried hanging up the tights to focus on promoting events, behind-the scenes duties, and working as a manager. But in professional wrestling, very few can stay retired. Once I met Taylor Nicole, I was back.
I proposed to Taylor Nicole in-ring after she won a three-way over Cindy Rogers and Allison Danger at the UWC's annual Toys For Tots toy drive. The next year, we were married. We have two cats (Grissom and Jack) and are working on starting a family. And I'm currently writing my memoirs.
Want to know more? Head on over to You should be able to find everything you need to know over there.
Enough about me. Next time, I'll be back to talk any and all things wrestling.
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